Hot Bituminous – Top 10 Problems and Solutions



1. Temperature control of asphalt

SOLUTION: use infrared thermometers

2. Mopping Practices

SOLUTION: follow specs and ensure equipment is okay

3. Improper Flashing

SOLUTION: ensure proper height, length of flashing

4. Poor Interply Integrity

SOLUTION: do not install too hot and allow no foot traffic.

5. Dry Laps

SOLUTION: broom felts

6. Inaccurate Head Laps

SOLUTION: use chalk lines and check ply lines

7. Fire Safety

SOLUTION: check thermometers on kettles

8. Gravel Embedment

SOLUTION: embeded gravel quickly and don’t overheat asphalt

9. Poor Base Sheet Attachment

SOLUTION: conduct pull-out tests and relax sheets

10. Lack of Coping Moisture Barrier

SOLUTION: ensure blocking and cap attached properly